Are there any other organizations or resources that geotechnical engineers commonly refer to for opening size selection?

In addition to the organizations and resources mentioned earlier, geotechnical engineers may refer to the following organizations and resources for opening size selection in geotechnical engineering:
1.Geosynthetics Research Institute (GRI): GRI is an organization that conducts research, publishes technical papers, and provides guidelines on geosynthetics, including geotextiles. Their publications and research findings can be valuable resources for geotechnical engineers when determining opening size selection.
2.International Geosynthetics Society (IGS): IGS is a global organization dedicated to promoting the understanding and use of geosynthetics. They provide resources, technical papers, and conferences on geosynthetics, including geotextiles. Geotechnical engineers can benefit from the knowledge and expertise shared by the IGS community.
3.Geotechnical Engineering Journals and Publications: Geotechnical engineering journals and publications, such as the Geotechnical Engineering Journal, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Geosynthetics International, and Geosynthetics Magazine, often feature research articles, case studies, and technical papers related to geotextiles. These publications can provide valuable insights and guidance on opening size selection.
4.Geotechnical Conferences and Workshops: Geotechnical conferences and workshops, such as those organized by professional societies and industry associations, often include sessions or presentations on geotextiles and their applications. Attending these events allows geotechnical engineers to learn from experts, discuss best practices, and stay updated on the latest advancements in opening size selection.
5.Geotechnical Consultants and Specialists: Geotechnical consultants and specialists with expertise in geotextiles and geotechnical engineering can provide valuable insights and recommendations for opening size selection. Engaging with these professionals can ensure that projects receive specialized knowledge and experience tailored to their specific needs.
It is worth noting that regional or local geotechnical organizations, research institutions, and universities may also offer valuable resources, publications, or expertise related to geotechnical engineering and opening size selection. Consulting with local geotechnical experts and accessing region-specific resources can provide further guidance for opening size selection in specific project locations.