Should you use weed mat when planting daylilies?

Using a weed mat when planting daylilies can be beneficial, but it’s not absolutely necessary in all situations. Here are a few factors to consider:
- Weed Pressure – If the planting area has significant existing weed competition, a weed mat will help give the daylilies a head start. It blocks sunlight needed for weed seeds to germinate.
- Soil Quality – In rich, nutrient-dense soil with good structure, daylilies may be able to outcompete weeds on their own without a mat. But most average garden soils benefit from weed suppression.
- Root Restriction – Daylilies have vigorous root systems that can break through a weed mat over time. A mat is less crucial for established clumps but may help contain their spread initially.
- Division/Transplanting – When splitting or moving existing daylily clumps, laying down a mat makes for an easier, weed-free landscape area to work in.
- Mulching Alternative – A weed mat serves a similar purpose to mulch in suppressing weeds near the daylilies without needing replacement as often (2-5 years).
So in general, using a weed mat is recommended for daylily plantings where significant weed pressure exists. It provides a low-maintenance way to give the flowers a strong start. Existing clumps may not strictly need it but the mat won’t typically harm the daylilies either. Assessing soil conditions and maintenance goals helps determine if a weed mat makes sense.