Which side of landscape fabric goes up
When installing landscape fabric, the dull or less shiny side should face up. Here are a few reasons why:
- Textured side grips better. The top/dull side of the fabric has a rougher, more textured surface which helps mulch or soil adhere better. This prevents slipping or shifting over time.
- Weeds can’t emerge as easily. With the textured side up, it’s more difficult for weed seeds to penetrate through the fabric layer and sprout. The smooth underside aids weed control.
- Water drains better. The top surface isn’t as conducive to forming puddles. Small peaks and valleys on the dull side allow water to percolate evenly down into the soil.
- Shade is provided. Some fabrics are designed with the top layer blocking more sunlight from reaching the ground to suppress weeds that require light germination.
- Less snagging occurs. When installing plants or edging, the bottom smooth side is less likely to catch or snag on tools compared to the rough top side.
So in summary, for maximum performance the rougher, textured dull or matte finish side of landscape fabric should face upwards when being installed in gardens and landscape beds. This aids installation and proper functioning.